Friday, September 30, 2011

new rules for your blogs

As we discussed in class today, I am making two changes regarding your blogs.
  • New deadline for Friday's blog.  The blog you enter for Friday's class must be posted by Saturday night at midnight.  This will enable me to grade the previous week's blogs on Sunday.  Please make sure you post your blog on Friday or Saturday.
  • More detail required.  You need to post a longer, more detailed, more useful blog in order to receive full credit.  Describe what we did in class, or what you learned, or transcribe the notes you took.  The more information you put in your blog, the more useful it will be to you later.  Remember, these are notes you may refer to during a test, or when the time comes to study for your semester exam.

Example of a bad post:  Today we watched part of a movie in class.

Example of a good post:  Today in God Grew Tired of Us, we saw how John Bul, Panther and Daniel are adjusting to life in America.  They are going to have to pay back their airfare, and they will have to pay for their own rent and food and gas, plus they want to send money back to their families in Africa.  So, some of them are taking on many jobs, like working at McDonald's, at a grocery store, in a gasket factory, or as a security guard. This is putting a lot of pressure on them.

Obviously, you can write even more than that if you like.  The more detail in the post, the more it will help you later.

Good posts will earn you two points apiece.  Bad posts get you one point.  No post gets you zero.  The new grading guidelines go into effect next week.

I'm looking forward to reading some great posts from you guys!  Have a fantastic weekend and I hope to see you at the game tonight!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

tomorrow's test covers...

This 100-point test will cover everything we have studied regarding Population and Migration for the last two weeks.  To be specific:
  • God Grew Tired of Us
  • population density
  • TFR
  • net migration rate
  • life expectancy
  • rate of natural increase
  • immigrants/emigrants
  • infant mortality
You will be able to use your blog as a resource on the test.

Study, be ready.  See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

as the film concludes...

...we move on to studies of the terms needed to understand population and migration.  Sections 02 & 03 watched the conclusion of the film today, and began discussing important terms like population density and total fertility rate (TFR).

Tonight, your homework is to use the CIA Factbook to research population facts about Sudan, Kenya, the US, and other nations.  This should help us more fully appreciate the situation in Sudan, and in the brand new nation of South Sudan.

Using the Population Indicators link, answer the questions about population, density, and total fertility rate (TFR).  Use the CIA Factbook, except where I have given you another source.  Post those answers to your blog tonight.  You will answer the rest of the questions in class tomorrow.  

The test on Friday will cover the use of these terms, as well as our viewing of  God Grew Tired of Us.  As before, you will be able to use your blog as a resource on this test. 

Also, if you missed any of the film, I will be available to show all or part of the movie after school in the TV Studio tomorrow (Thursday).  Be in Room 121 by 3:00 if you want to see any part you missed.

By the way, have any of you been successful at friending John Bul Dau yet?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

measuring population

Section 01 watched the conclusion of the film today, and began discussing terms we will use when we study the population of countries.

Tonight, your homework is to use the CIA Factbook to research population facts about Sudan, Kenya, the US, and other nations.  This should help us more fully appreciate the situation in Sudan, and in the brand new nation of South Sudan.

Using the Population Indicators link, answer the questions about population, density, and total fertility rate (TFR).  Post those answers to your blog tonight.  You will answer the rest of the questions in class tomorrow.  Thanks for a great class today!

Monday, September 26, 2011

the story continues...

The amazing saga of Panther, Daniel, and John continues, as some (but not all) of the Lost Boys have contact with their families.


Friday, September 23, 2011

more from the Lost Boys of Sudan

Today we watched more of God Grew Tired of Us, the story of John, Daniel, and Panther, forced from their homeland in Sudan.  As you write your blog for today, consider how the events of the movie relate to the concepts we are learning in class, such as IEPs and refugees, migration, GDP per capita, British colonialism, and  natural resources.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

our in-class movie

God Grew Tired of Us - the award-winning movie about the Lost Boys of Sudan - is underway.  Sections 02 and 03 need to do some research to enhance their appreciation of the film. Your homework is to use the CIA Factbook to discover some essential data about the country of Sudan: their GDP per capita, their type of government and date of independence, the transnational issues they face, the numbers of IDPs / refugees, and the natural resources that drive their economy.  (For the transnational part, I recommend reading the part on Disputes, then summing it up in your own words, especially as it relates to the movie.)  If you like, you may also post what you think of the film so far.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

today's work

Section 02 and 03 had their discussion about globalization today - your homework is to blog about it!

Section 01 began watching God Grew Tired of Us  - your homework is to use the CIA Factbook to discover the GDP per capita, the type of government and date of independence, the transnational issues, numbers of IDPs / refugees, and the natural resources that drive the economy, all for the country of Sudan.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

globalization - the great debate

Good discussion from the 01 section in class today, detailing some of the pros and cons of globalization.

When you get into class like you did today, lots of good things happen.   My job gets easier (thank you).  You are more engaged, so class is more interesting (hopefully).  And you learn more (always a plus).

For homework... you know the drill.  Blog about today's class.

Monday, September 19, 2011


First, a definition of globalization that makes me happy:
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.


Then, an assignment to help you understand the positives and negatives of globalization:

Although globalization is here to stay, not everyone thinks it is a great idea.  Find a group or organization that is pro-globalization, summarize their position, and give me the link where you found your information.  Then find a group or organization that is anti-globalization, summarize their position, and give me the link where you found that information. 

Be ready to discuss this in class, and tell me what group you most agree with.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

what's next

In class tomorrow we will begin the next unit:  Population and Migration.  We're going to begin with a brief definition and discussion of globalization, so watch out.  Be ready to think, talk, and even argue.

And maybe learn.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I hope you aced it!

Now the first Human Geo test of the year is in your rear-view mirror.  I'm looking forward to grading them, especially your short answer responses.

If you didn't take the test today, be prepared to take it Monday in class.

For today's blog, why don't you tell me what you thought of the test?  Was it too easy, too hard, fair, challenging?  I like feedback.

No other HW this weekend.  We start a new unit on Monday.  See you then, and have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

test tomorrow

Sections 02 & 03 completed their work on countries, continents, and regions.  They also adjusted their blogs' time settings and privacy settings.

I will be grading your "Did You Know 2.0" essays this weekend.  I hope to get to your tests this weekend, too.  Rule of thumb: if you see a blank grade in your PowerSchool for a particular assignment, don't worry.  It's when you see a zero that you should be concerned.  Thanks.

All three sections will test tomorrow.  This 100 point test will cover the CIA World Factbook and the 25 related questions, the use of maps, and identification of countries, continents, and regions.  You will be able to use your blog as a resource for this test.

Be ready!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

studying regions

Today the 02 & 03 sections began to identify our 24 nations by regions.  If you did not complete this work in class, please finish it for homework.

Section 01 completed their work on countries, continents, and regions.  They also adjusted their blogs' time settings and privacy settings.

All three sections will test on Friday.  This 100 point test will cover the CIA World Factbook and the 25 related questions, the use of maps, and identification of countries, continents, and regions.  You will be able to use your blog as a resource for this test.

Monday, September 12, 2011

locating countries

Interesting class today!  Hopefully you have all had a chance to complete the Countries/Continents assignment, which should help you become more spatially familiar with some of the more important nations in the world.

And hopefully you have also learned the value of reading instructions carefully, which will help you on exams, in your other classes, and in many other aspects of your life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Making a Difference

A friend of mine has asked me to spread the word about a contest they are trying to win.  If you would like to help, please go to and vote, then help spread the word through Facebook and Twitter and any other social media you use.

Thanks for considering helping a very worthy cause - helping to provide financial assistance to families with a critically ill child.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

writing assignment

This is a reminder to post your written assignment before Sunday night at midnight. The assignment is described in detail on Thursday's blog.

Late penalties of 10% per day will apply if you are late in posting this assignment to your blog.

Email me at if you have any questions.

I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Video assignment

Your assignment for this weekend is to carefully watch this video, and write a three paragraph essay. In each of the first two paragraphs, choose a quote or statistic from Did You Know 2.0, and describe what it means to you, how you think it affects you, and whether you think it is a positive or a negative thing.

In the final paragraph, think of the video as a whole, and write about your role as a student in the 21st century. What are the implications of living in this rapidly changing world? What should John Carroll do to prepare you for college and beyond?

I realize some things in the video are already outdated. After all, this version is four whole years old! MySpace is now fairly irrelevant, and Facebook actually has over 750,000,000 users (third biggest "country" in the world). But that just helps make the point of how quickly things change.

Lastly, I invite you to show your parents this video, and ask them what they think of it. Their perspective is different from yours, and you may end up having an enlightening conversation.

Be sure to write well - pay attention to spelling, grammar, etc. - but most importantly, write a thoughtful essay that shows focus, clarity, and originality. This is your first writing assignment for me - use it to impress me with your brilliance.

This essay must be posted to your blog by Sunday night at midnight. It's worth 50 points.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

a microcosm of the course

Our exploration of the CIA Factbook is kind of like the entire Human Geography course in miniature.  We look at how humans react and interact in the context of their economies, their governments, their cultures and their religions, based on where they live and who they are.

As always, don't forget to post to your blog tonight.  Summing up what we did in class today is good; including your thoughts and opinions is even better.

If you are STILL having trouble creating your blog or posting to your blog, you MUST come to see me after school tomorrow.  Blogging is the way we communicate in this class, and we have to make sure we can do this smoothly.  Thanks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fun with the Factbook

Section 01 met today, and we worked on getting the last of your blogs up to speed (c'mon, Tyler & Hunter & Shawn & Brian, you can do it!).  We also started exploring the fantastically informative CIA World Factbook.

By the way, if some of you are looking for ways to get involved at school, we have a Speech & Debate club that is a lot of fun.  Look for our purple Speech Creatures t-shirts in the halls tomorrow!  We meet on Wednesdays after school in the TV Studio (Room 121 in the Fine Arts Wing), and we would love to see you there at 3:00!

We also have an Academic Team that you might enjoy - it's like being on Jeopardy, except you don't have to fly to Los Angeles.  And yes, we use buzzers.  We also meet in the TV Studio most afternoons after school.

Come on know you want to.  Right?  Right.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is a review of what has been expected of you so far.

  • Create your class blog and send me the URL.
  • Post your Six Word Memoir (worth 5 points).
  • Post what you did in class on Friday (Section 01 should have had two posts this week, Sections 02 and 03 should have had three posts, all worth a total of 8 points).
  • One person in your group is to post the answers to the 25 questions about the CIA Factbook, plus list the names of the people in your group (classwork worth 10 points).
Some of you have done all of these assignments.  Congratulations on your perfect score in this class!

Some of you have done none of these, and have started the class with a zero.  

I have explained in class what you need to do, and I have posted the assignments on this blog.  It is up to you to follow up and do your work.

If you have questions or problems, email me at

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Friday's classwork

Today in class you will be introduced to the CIA World Factbook. Your task is to retrieve the information needed to answer questions about our nation and many other countries of the world.  You will need to find data by exploring the Factbook, and you will need to analyze and interpret some of the more complex questions in order to find these answers.  By the time you finish, you will be able to navigate your way around this fascinating site with ease, and you will become familiar with the wealth of available material about every single nation on earth.

You will work in groups of three, so you can help each other find all the information.  One member will enter the answers in their blog.

All the questions are to be answered in complete sentences.

This is important:  please list the first and last names of the members of your group.  Write these names in your post before you answer any questions.

Any questions you don't answer in class are to be done for homework.

The CIA World Factbook is the only source you may use for this assignment.

The CIA World Factbook can be found by clicking here.

The 25 questions you need to answer can be found by clicking here.

If you finish in class, go to and see how many Geography questions you can answer!

Last, but not least, if you still have not created your blog, emailed me the URL, and posted your Six Word Memoir, you must do that this weekend.  Points will be deducted if you do not complete this by Monday night.  Email me if you have questions.

Good luck, have fun, wish me luck at my conference, and I will see you next week!

getting up to speed

Part of today's class was spent making sure everyone has a working blog, and getting the URL to me.  The other part of class was an introduction to one of the most useful websites you will ever see:  the CIA Factbook.  We will be using this site a lot this year, and you will definitely be exploring it tomorrow in class (although, sadly, I will not be with you).

If you still have not created your blog and emailed me the URL, please try to do so as soon as possible.  Thanks!