Saturday, January 14, 2012

Essay questions for the exam - happy outlining! ;)

Choose two of the following topics and write a five-paragraph essay of at least 350 words on each.
A)  Three of the most important sources of energy are coal, oil, and solar energy.  Analyze each type of energy, paying attention to the many advantages, disadvantages, and uses of each one.

B)  Describe in detail the journey of the Lost Boys of Sudan, analyzing how they came to leave their country, their experiences in the refugee camp, and what happened when they came to America.

C)  The labor force in any country can be divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary jobs.  Discuss the importance of each kind of labor, including examples of the kinds of work that is done in each of these categories, what the importance of each kind is, and countries that emphasize them.

D)  (You may only write one essay on North Korea.  Pick just one of these two if you choose D.)
Life for a teenager in North Korea would be quite different from that of an American teenager.  Write an essay that details specific differences.
Imagine what the future will hold for North Korea under their new leader.  Predict what you think is their best case scenario, their worst case scenario, and what the United States could do to ensure a good outcome for both us and the North Koreans.

E)  China and the United States are currently the two most powerful countries in the world. Compare these two countries, possibly including information on their economic relationship, their approach to education, their use of technology, or other details of your choosing.

F)  Using the population pyramids below, describe everything you can assume about Country A and Country B, including their possible locations, population trends, standard of living, etc.

                       A                                                      B


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